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laser safety spectacle F47P1M03

The laser safety spectacle F47.P1M03.1001 with the gray filter is certified with a few interruptions for the wavelength range from 180-14000nm according to EN 207 (full protection) is especially suitable for medical lasers, for combination lasers around 1064nm, for CO2 lasers, Nd: YAG, disk and fiber lasers and in the NIR range. It also has M protection levels for ultra-short laser pulses. The light, sporty 2-lens eyewear with low weight and base curve 8 has good visual brightness and a daylight transmission (VLT) of approx. 25%. The laser safety spectacle can be supplemented with a special adapter from laservision with an LED light or a magnifying glass. laservision recommends the professional cleaning station (A99.CLSTA.1300) for cleaning the laser safety eyewear.


Prices plus VAT plus shipping costs

  • The delivery time is 3-5 days.

  • Order number: F47P1M031001
  • GTIN: 4050369057296
  • Pack unit: 1 pieces
  • Weight incl. packaging: 0,23 kg
  • Weight excl. packaging: 0,03 kg


Prices plus VAT plus shipping costs

Product number: F47P1M031001
Product information "laser safety spectacle F47P1M03"
Protection range
Protection within the ultraviolet spectral range between 180 and 400nm
near infrared
Protection within the near infrared spectral range between 700nm and 1400nm
Protection in the infrared spectral range above 1400nm
Coating: no coating
Cushion: No cushion
Filter: P1M03
Filter colour: Grey
Filter curvature: Base curve 8
Filter material: Plastic
Filter technology: Absorption filter
Filter thickness: ca. 2mm
Frame: F47
Frame type: Spectacle
Properties: 2-Komponenten-Softbügel, Anpassbare Nasenauflage, Lightweight, M-protection rating
Protection Class / Norm: EN 207 full protection
Protection range: Infrared, near infrared, ultraviolett
VLT (approx.): 25%
Visual brightness: Good
colour recognition: Very good
180 - 315 (OD10+) D LB10 + IR LB4 + M LB6Y
>315 - 375 (OD8+) D LB6 + IR LB8 + M LB8Y
>375 - 385 (OD3+) DIRM LB3
1020 - <1030 (OD6+) DIRM LB6
1030 - <1040 (OD7+) D LB6 + IRM LB7
1040 - 1064 (OD8+) D LB6 + IR LB8 + M LB8Y
>1064 - 1073 (OD7+) D LB6 + IRM LB7
>1073 - 1083 (OD6+) DIRM LB6
>1083 - 1090 (OD5+) DIRM LB5
1090 - 1100 (OD4+) DIRM LB4
1400 - <1600 (OD2+) DIRM LB2
1600 - <1750 (OD3+) DIM LB3 + R LB3Y
1750 - 3000 (OD4+) DIM LB4 + R LB3Y
>3000 - <5400 (OD2+) DIRM LB2
5400 - 14000 (OD6+) DI LB4 + R LB3Y + M LB5Y


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